Monday, March 12, 2012

Amnesia Brewing's Slow Train Porter

Slow Train Porter on Draught
Amnesia Brewing
Portland, OR
Sunday, March 11, 2012

My buddy Jeff called to go sample and rate a beer for the blog.  So we did two!  (The next one is coming after this one which, ironically, you will have read first since blog posts are displayed from newest to oldest.)  Slow Train Porter is the dark beer seen above next to its good friend, Dusty Trail Ale.

The first taste was strong, which is right on queue with most other porters.  Really good first impression.  It has a caramel and woody flavor.  Which type of wood?  I don't know.  I haven't spent any time licking two by fours at Parr Lumber so I can't tell you which type of wood.  For that matter I don't know what wood tastes like.  Let's just say that it tasted like what I think wood tastes like based on the smell of wood.  Fair enough?  Good.  Back to the beer.  As my glass got emptier the beer tasted less like a porter and more like a dark ale.  I like dark ales, but this is supposed to be a porter.  Sometimes a beer changes flavor for the better.  Unfortunately, this one got worse.  So it would have been a bad dark ale even if it had been called a dark ale.

Conclusion:  First taste was great, just like the porters I like.  Quickly degenerated into a weak dark ale flavor.

Two beers.  In the end, this slow train was the little engine that couldn't.

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